Why read the Gita?

It was the time of Gita Jayanti when ISKCON devotees distribute 'Bhagavad-Gita as it is' authored by Srila Prabhupada. A devotee in the United States happened to knock the door of a house and a lady who opened the door was very happy to see him, she said where were you, I was looking out... Continue Reading →

Quantum Physics came from the Vedas: Schrödinger, Einstein and Tesla were all Vedantists

How does Quantum Physics work? In this article we discuss a very brief simplified history of Quantum Mechanics and will quote what the founding fathers of this branch of science had to say about it. We are not interested in new age mumbo-jumbo. We are interested in understanding what is real and what is false.... Continue Reading →

Godly Scientists !!!

Today if some one tries to explain some thing about God, lots of ignorant (foolish) people will say “Today science is so advanced what this waste fellow still believes in some thing like God and all…” But it an unknown fact to most of us that those who are the so-called pioneers of this material... Continue Reading →

Foot steps…

"When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems so superfluous." “I have made Gita and Sanskrit literature the main source of my inspiration and guidance for the purpose of scientific investigations and formation of my theories”. - Albert Einstein, Physicist. "Because I don't think that I have... Continue Reading →

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